Mozambique - Think InclusHIVe (EN)

Think InclusHIVe: Expanding integrated public health services to reduce HIV and TB transmission in vulnerable populations at the community level




Funhalouro, Massinga, Morrumbene and Panda districts, Inhambane province



The project aims to reduce the transmission of HIV and TB in the most remote communities of the Inhambane Province.


  • Creation of the screening and treatment service for HIV infection and TB treatment in rural communities;
  • Research and home counseling activities by community activists for HIV+ and HIV/TB patients, with the aim of encouraging adherence to treatment;
  • Training of health workers and activists of the Basic Community Organisation;
  • Community awareness and education sessions on HIV and TB, organized during the Brigadas Movéis outings. Prevention will be discussed, with particular attention to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights programs.
  • Support for the creation of Savings and Credit groups and implementation of financial education sessions aimed at improving the socio-economic status of men and their participation in health awareness and screening activities;
  • Participation in district, provincial and national networks for evaluation and advocacy on the issues of inclusion of vulnerable populations in strategies to fight HIV and TB;
  • Analysis and monitoring of the integration between the mobile health services strategy and the HIV control programme.
  • 36,200 people will directly benefit from the care provided by MMI;
  • All the inhabitants (493,000 people) of the districts involved benefit indirectly from the project's actions;
  • The awareness and dissemination action in Italy will reach 5,000 people.


  • Fondazione Museke
  • Università degli Studi di Brescia
  • Direzione Provinciale di Sanità di Inhambane (DPSI)

  • Associazione Kuhlula

  • Universidade SAVE





Iniziative sinergiche con il Global Fund  






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