Kenya - Strengthening the community referral system to combat maternal and child malnutrition in the outskirts of Nairobi

Strengthening the community referral system to combat maternal and child malnutrition in the outskirts of Nairobi.


Area of intervention

Nairobi County – Sub-counties of Embakasi North, Embakasi Central, Kasarani, Langata, Ruaraka, and Starehe.


The project aims to contribute to the improvement of the nutritional situation of children, women, and pregnant women in the informal settlements of the outskirts of Nairobi (Kenya).



The informal settlements of Nairobi are characterized by extremely high population density, inefficient infrastructure and public services, and very poor electrical, water, and sanitation conditions. In the areas targeted by the project, it is estimated that there are annually 1,800 cases of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and 300 cases of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) among children under 5 years old. The nutritional situation of women of reproductive age is also extremely precarious.

There are numerous childcare centers in the area, but these structures face significant deficiencies in terms of both the quantity and competence of the educational staff. Limited knowledge about infant nutrition results in children often receiving inadequate diets, both at home and in the daycare centers.



The project simultaneously involves Health Centers, childcare centers, and mothers residing in the slums of Nairobi. The actions aim to ensure integrated coverage through a multi-level approach: strengthening the local healthcare system in identifying malnutrition through targeted training of healthcare and social workers; enhancing connections with Health Centers in the targeted sub-counties; increasing the healthcare staff's skills in managing malnutrition cases; and conducting community-level activities by training daycare staff, women of reproductive age, and pregnant women on proper nutrition and hygiene practices.



Medicus Mundi Italia will be responsible for implementing the following activities:

  • Training healthcare and social healthcare workers at 10 health centers for the identification and treatment of maternal and child malnutrition.
  • Providing materials and equipment for screening and treating maternal and child malnutrition.
  • Conducting screening, case management, follow-up, and nutritional support for children and pregnant women affected by malnutrition.



The activities planned by the project will target:

  • 6,000 children who will participate in malnutrition screening and follow-up.
  • 3,600 women of reproductive age who will participate in awareness sessions on good nutritional practices and, for those referred by the Health Centers, will receive folic acid and iron supplements.
  • 100 community-based healthcare workers trained in the identification of malnutrition.
  • 50 healthcare workers from the 10 Health Centers involved in the project who will receive training on the outpatient treatment of malnutrition.


project lead
  • Medicus Mundi Italia
kenyan partner
  • Tuinuke na Tuendelee Mbele



Progetto finanziato dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri con la quota Irpef dell’otto per mille



Every donation is a meaningful action that has the power to make a real difference in the lives of many


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CF 98011200171

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