Kenya - Creating an healthcare network in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda


Creating an healthcare network in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda


Area of intervention

Kenya, activities where MMI is a partner: Nairobi, Nyandarua, and Meru Counties Tanzania and Uganda: regions where the lead partner operates



The project aims at improving maternal and child healthcare in the region, through supporting the countries’ healthcare systems in achieving Universal Health Coverage.



MMI operates to train and update the social and health workers in the field of women and children care, and of obstetrician and neonatal emergency. The aim is to exploit the full potential of targeted health structures while improving the quality of the services provided. Activities will be structured along multiple levels in order to improve the beneficiaries’ knowledge and skills. Internationally certified training programs will be promoted, brief updating sessions will be held periodically, and supervision and audit will be offered to support clinical activities. Specific activities: • Creating coordination tables and defining objectives and contents of the training program, with the aim of promoting ownership and sustainability of the activities. • Implementing the training program for maternal and child healthcare staff selected from targeted health centres and for related community figures. The program will be held by local trainers certified by the Health Ministry. WWI and World Friends Onlus will define the contents of the training jointly with the Global Health Centre and Ruaraka Uhai Neema Hospital (certified Professional Training Centred). • Implementing on-the-job training in targeted health centres through interactive workshops and practical sessions. A deeper synergy among different professional figures will be promoted, improving the efficiency and efficacy of the service. • Monitoring and evaluating the training sessions and the implementation of clinical activities related to maternal and child care, in order to provide recommendations and improvement strategies



45 health and paramedic workers from the 7 target health structures. The whole of the health workers form targeted health centres will benefit indirectly from the project, together with the treatment pool of the targeted structures.

7.955 adults


  • Amici del mondo - World Friends Onlus (lead partner)
  • Health Department, Kilifi County 
  • Pwani University






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